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Everything You Love

As Sara falls in love with Jonas, she discovers he has a dark secret - he's being radicalised into an extremist group. Will their relationship pull him away from the darkness before it's too late? Norwegian with English subtitles.

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Season 1, Episode 1

MLS Sara and Jonas coincidentally run into each other on the subway. They used to be childhood sweethearts. The feelings from summer camp quickly re-ignite, but beneath the surface, Jonas is hiding a dark view on reality.

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    MLS Sara and Jonas coincidentally run into each other on the subway. They used to be childhood sweethearts. The feelings from summer camp quickly re-ignite, but beneath the surface, Jonas is hiding a dark view on reality.

    16S Despite his dystopian thoughts, Jonas very much wants to see Sara again. He helps her move. They go out together and have a good time, but Jonas gets performance anxiety when it comes to sex.

    16LS Jonas gets into a conflict with the rightwing extremist group Nordic Gathering, and becomes even closer to Sara when the two of them go on a cabin trip together.

    16LS Jonas finds it lonely not to have anyone to share his political thoughts with. Carefully, he tries to talk to Sara about his view on the world, but without success.

    16LS Jonas quits his job and meets Dennis and some other friends from the Internet at the Viking ship museum. They then go to the forest to take propaganda pictures, but the trip does not quite meet his expectations.

    16LS Jonas misses Sara and begins to doubt his own ideology. Sara and Jonas agree to grab a coffee to talk about things, but a picture from the meeting with the Telefax group creates new challenges for Jonas.

    16LS Sara is processing the incident and Jonas is struggling with the attention he now gets from his surroundings.