Image of Dahmer on Dahmer: A Serial Killer Speaks

Dahmer on Dahmer: A Serial Killer Speaks

Dive inside the mind of America’s most notorious serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer, through investigative journalist Nancy Glass who became his closest confident, divulging the darkest details of his life and crimes.

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Season 1, Episode 1

MVSC Dive inside the mind of America's most notorious serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer. New revelations and never-before-seen interviews shed light on the grizzly and twisted case.

WARNING: Deals with violent sexual abuse.
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    MVSC Dive inside the mind of America's most notorious serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer. New revelations and never-before-seen interviews shed light on the grizzly and twisted case.

    WARNING: Deals with violent sexual abuse.

    MVSC Nancy Glass' definitive interview with Jeffrey Dahmer becomes even darker as they discuss the most shocking aspect of his crimes - cannibalism, diving even deeper into the mind of the world's most notorious serial killer.

    WARNING: Deals with violent sexual abuse.